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May 2018
During a seminar class that explored topics related to the connection between energy and the environment, I researched and created an infographic summarizing the impact of geothermal energy systems on biodiversity. The purpose of this graphic is to effectively communicate some key facts and findings in a visually interesting way.
February 2019
This infographic and the following two below, were produced during my internship with UC Davis Housing and Dining's sustainability task force. The mission of this team is to engage with freshmen living in UC Davis student housing about sustainable lifestyle choices specifically with regards to waste diversion. The graphic below describes steps for creating an in-apartment compost bin which was released and markets to students preparing to movie into apartment housing.
February 2019
This flyer expands on the theme of waste reduction for apartment living, specifically calling attention to various resources the city of Davis offers to divert waste.
June 2019
Another focus of the UCDHD sustainability team is gardening. This flyer was produced for an event where students were provided materials to plant rosemary stems. It details some tips for students to water their new plant.
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